There were more than 4,500 hundred patent applications filed in 2013, here are 14 that could change the world forever...
Google's Electronic Throat Tattoo

It's uncertain what exactly Google will use this technology for (Rumors have covered everything from lie detectors to a Google Glass add-on) but whatever the case, it'll probably be something awesome.
An Umbrella With Solar Panels

Not really sure how effective this thing is going to be in the rain, but if you're one of those people that uses an umbrella to block out the sun, this thing is a no brainer.
The SmartWig
Sony wants to create a hairpiece that can do things like check your blood pressure and give you directions. Genius.
This Pancake Flipper

This is by far the best way to make a pancake!
This Adult-Toy/Exercise Ball

Sex and exercise put together?!? This is an absolute game-changer!
JP Morgan's Bitcoin Competitor
Even though the word "Bitcoin" isn't mentioned once in this 18,000-word patent application, a “method and system for processing Internet payments using the electronic funds transfer network” is clearly a Bitcoin competitor.
Money Emails
Does it get any easier than this?
This Ceiling Fan Duster

How in the world hasn't this been invented yet? This is the only way you should every try to dust your ceiling fan.
Peer-To-Peer Location Service

Google filed a patent to know where everybody is at all times via mobile devices. Sounds like fun!
A Glove-Shaped Beer Insulator

Clearly the coolest beverage holder ever! What more do you need?
Ok, Maybe This Snake Mug Is Cooler

Nothing says "You're a badass!" like drinking a mocha latte out of a snake mug.
A Pet Hammock

This thing is going to give rise to the laziest generation of pets the world has ever seen!
A Helmet That Looks like A Hat

This could make helmets cool and save a bunch of lives, but it probably won't.
3D Imaging Display

Everybody is hopping on the 3D bandwagon, so it's only fitting to see Samsung there.
All images courtesy of the United States Patent and Trademark OfficeПонравилась статья? Подпишитесь на канал, чтобы быть в курсе самых интересных материалов